Learning C++ and programming
- C++ Primer, 5th Edition (Stanley B. Lippman et al)
- The C++ Programming Language, 4th Edition
Bringing your C++98 knowledge up to date
Advanced topics
- C++ Templates: The Complete Guide (2nd Edition) (Vandevoorde, Josuttis, Gregor)
- C++ Concurrency in Action: Practical Multithreading (Anthony Williams), Second edition upcoming, you might want to wait
- Large-Scale C++ Software Design (John Lakos), out of print but used copies still available on Amazon, new book is in the works
- Programming Pearls (2nd Edition) (Jon Bentley)
General best practices
- Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship (Robert C. Martin)
- Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change (2nd Edition) (Kent Beck)
- The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master (Andrew Hunt, David Thomas)
- Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World (Cal Newport)
- The Effective Engineer (Edmond Lau)